30 years of the club! It is a big number that we have reached, and what it means will be best conveyed by the message and speech of our player, coach and president Petra Čizmić Pokrajac:
“This number – 30 years – is really big and special, and I am proud to have been a part of this wonderful club for 29 years. I never dreamed that life would take me this way when I first stepped onto the field. And I never thought that one day I would stand in front of you and speak.
30 years have taken us from the bumpy field in Dugave, where we were called Baseball Softball Princ Dugave, to this wonderful complex where we now train, play and grow. During those 30 years, we went through many ups and downs, played in 25 European Cups, won five medals at them and went from 15 players to more than 70 members. But what makes us special is our continuous work and growth over the years.
The club is nothing without the people who are in it and those who were part of it before, and in my opinion they still are. I have to single out my dad, because without him this wouldn’t be possible. We wouldn’t be standing where we are standing for sure, he created all of this, we just beautified it and made it a little bigger. I will also mention my sister who also created this, and my mom who supported the whole family.
Of course, we cannot forget our valuable volunteers (whose number is increasing), who are always there to help at tournaments and without whom this would not be possible. And of course, to our players, who believe in what we do and without whom this club would not exist. A special thanks goes to the girls who were by my side in the most difficult moments of recent years – Ema, Tina and Franka.
I would also like to thank my close family, Sara, who is already continuing what we are doing, and my husband, without whom this would not exist. As he would say, it all started in 2007, and why and how, ask him.
Thank you to all of you who support our work. We hope to see you in 35, 40 and many more years ahead. Thank you for being part of our family, the Prince Softball Club. “