The IMPACT project aims to create a structured and stimulating environment for young athletes by implementing an extensive mentoring program led by experienced club members. Through this program, mentors will receive valuable guidance, support and mentoring that will help them achieve their sporting and personal goals. The project will assess the needs of young athletes, establish formal mentoring structures within the club and provide training and resources for mentors and mentees.
Key activities include skill development, goal setting, coping with challenges and personal growth. The project will be implemented in cooperation with two softball organizations and one city sports association for 18 months. Quality control, monitoring and evaluation measures will ensure project efficiency, timeliness and adherence to budget.
The IMPACT project will also include digital tools and learning methods. Through sustainable practices, capacity building and community engagement, the project aims to empower young athletes, encourage social inclusion and promote positive youth development within the consortium and beyond.
Project duration: 18 months
Partners: Softball Club Joudrs, Czech Republic; Zagreb Sports Association
Applicant: Softball Club Princ Zagreb
Total project amount: €30,000