{:hr}Zagreb Softball Kamp 2015{:}{:en}Zagreb Softball Camp 2015{:}


Second Zagreb Summer Softball Camp finished! The camp brought together 40 children from the City of Zagreb, most of the kids came from existing clubs, and around 10 new kids came to the camp. Camp started day after school finished on June 17th, lasted for a full 7 days, ending on 23 June. The kids had a morning practicess from 9 am to 12:30 every day, with the end of the practice Lunch was waiting. After lunch we had a free time and four days had visitor – Bear from Esrte bank, and he entertained between workouts and afternoon games. Around 4 am, kid started the games until 7 am, when parents come to pick them up and drive them home.
They were divided on two fields, the first field are the smallest players and beginners who are for the first time met with the softball had workouts with a trainer and coach Kristian, and from America – Vincent. At the other field were more advanced and older kids, they where coached by Michael Marunov – coach / player from Israel, which currently plays in one of the strongest leagues in the Czech Republic. In the seven days, a total of 20 or so hours of training and 20 hours of such a game the kids improved all the skills. Besides softball were concluded and great friendships. We can say the objectives are achieved, we hope the organization next year.

Special thanks to:
Sports Association of Zagreb for financial support
Erste Bank for its support in the organization
Michael Marunovu and Vincent Colasuonno for coming to our country and the hard work and love for softball that their badly kids

Thanks to all the kids on arrival and effort!

I was invited to take part at softball summer camp for young kids, some of them were totally new to the game and some already played the game for several months. I was a little bit nervous how it will look like, they where too young for ordinary drills and I had to keep them focused as much as I could and not only that, the language barrier, how I will connect them?
As soon as I arrived in Zagreb, I meet Kristian a nice coach who will be with me during the camp and Petra, who was in charge of this project. It was a nice and warm land in Zagreb. The next day we started the camp and for my big surprise, the kids had no problems with English. They were patient and focused during the whole day of practice. It was so nice to see the progress every day and see that the kids are enjoying. We were welcomed with a good weather and great spot near the Jarun Lake.
In my opinion, this camp was a big success because of the positive feedback we got from the kids and enormous improvement in their skills.
I hope to see most of this kids playing for local clubs.
Thanks Petra, Nikica, Kristian, volunteers and all kids for making this camp a successful one.
Michael Marunov.

Završio je drugi Zagreb Ljetni softball Kamp na Jarunu. Na kampu se okupilo 40-tak djece iz Grada Zagreba, veći dio klinaca je došao iz postojećih klubova, a 10-tak novih klinaca je došlo na kamp. Kamp je počeo završetkom škole 17. Lipnja, trajao je punih 7 dana, završio je 23. Lipnja. Klinci su imaju jutarnje treninge od 9 ujutro do 12.30 – 12.45 svaki dan, sa završetkom treninga ručak je stizao a teren. Nakon ručka su imali kratki odmor i četiri dana su imali Medu Štedu koji ih je posjećivao i zabavljao između treninga i popodnevnih utakmica. Oko 16h, nakon odmora, počinjale su utakmice sve do 19h, kada su roditelji dolazili po njih i vozili ih doma.
Podijeljeni su bili na dva terena, na prvom terenu su najmanji igrači i početnici koji su se po prvi puta susreli sa softballom imali treninge sa trenerom Kristianom i trenerom iz amerike – Vincentom. Na drugom terenu su bili napredniji i stariji klinci, njih je vodio Michael Marunom, trener / igrač iz izarela koji trenutno igra u jednoj od najjačih liga u Češkoj. Kroz sedam dana, ukupno 20 tak sati treninga i 20 tak sati utakmica klinci su poboljšali sve vještine. Osim softballa sklopljena su i velika prijateljstva. Možemo reći ciljevi su ostvareni, nadamo se organizaciji i sljedeće godine.

Posebne zahvale:
Sportskom Savezu Grada Zagreba na financijskoj potpori
Erste Banci na potpori u organizaciji
Michaelu Marunovu i Vincentu Colasuonno na dolasku u našu zemlju i velikom trudu i ljubavi prema softballu koji su prenjeli klincima

Hvala svim klincima na dolasku i trudu!

I was invited to take part at softball summer camp for young kids, some of them were totally new to the game and some already played the game for several months. I was a little bit nervous how it will look like, they where too young for ordinary drills and I had to keep them focused as much as I could and not only that, the language barrier, how I will connect them?
As soon as I arrived in Zagreb, I meet Kristian a nice coach who will be with me during the camp and Petra, who was in charge of this project. It was a nice and warm land in Zagreb. The next day we started the camp and for my big surprise, the kids had no problems with English. They were patient and focused during the whole day of practice. It was so nice to see the progress every day and see that the kids are enjoying. We were welcomed with a good weather and great spot near the Jarun Lake.
In my opinion, this camp was a big success because of the positive feedback we got from the kids and enormous improvement in their skills.
I hope to see most of this kids playing for local clubs.
Thanks Petra, Nikica, Kristian, volunteers and all kids for making this camp a successful one.
Michael Marunov.

Softball Klub Princ Zagreb Logo

Softball klub PRINC

U Klubu razvijamo mlađe dobne kategorije kroz razne aktivnosti (kampove za djecu, međunarodne turnire, kampove za starije igrače, Euroligu) ostvarujemo ciljeve kluba – predan rad s mladima kako bi im pomogli u usvajanju zdravih životnih navika koje ujedno čine i osnove sportskog života. Osvojeni trofeji i postignuti uspjesi samo su odraz uloženog truda.