Open Sport Day of Jarun

On 6th december was the open sport day of Jarun. The RSC Jarun Program took place in the House of athletes to the present a variety of sports – the triathlon, canoeing, kayaking, rowing and also softball with our club.
During this game, we showed how to play softball (hitting, catching) to kids, teenagers… also, they can try softball gears.
From kids to adults, from a sportperson to olympicsperson (Sinkovic brothers) It was a great moment to share our sport to everybody.
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Softball Klub Princ Zagreb Logo

Softball klub PRINC

U Klubu razvijamo mlađe dobne kategorije kroz razne aktivnosti (kampove za djecu, međunarodne turnire, kampove za starije igrače, Euroligu) ostvarujemo ciljeve kluba – predan rad s mladima kako bi im pomogli u usvajanju zdravih životnih navika koje ujedno čine i osnove sportskog života. Osvojeni trofeji i postignuti uspjesi samo su odraz uloženog truda.