Two months!!!! @elisa blog


I’ve been in Croatia for two months now and I was happy to go back home for the holiday because I had the opportunity to spend some quality time with my family and to eat some very good pizza :), but I’m also happy to be back in Zagreb and to continue this wonderful experience.

Two weeks ago I started with my new team the softball practice and I was very happy about that, because I missed practice so much. Being a coach is super funny and I liked very much, but nothing is like playing and I cannot wait to practice on the field and to start this new season.

Kids already start with some tournaments, in fact yesterday we went to Gornje Vrapče school and they played many games and even if they have still a lot of work to do, I saw them improving more and more every game and they had a lot of fun and that was the most important thing.

I enjoyed very much being a part of the coaching staff and to help the kids in the games, I love their energy and their will to be better and I had so much fun with them and with the other coaches.
Elisa #9

Softball Klub Princ Zagreb Logo

Softball klub PRINC

U Klubu razvijamo mlađe dobne kategorije kroz razne aktivnosti (kampove za djecu, međunarodne turnire, kampove za starije igrače, Euroligu) ostvarujemo ciljeve kluba – predan rad s mladima kako bi im pomogli u usvajanju zdravih životnih navika koje ujedno čine i osnove sportskog života. Osvojeni trofeji i postignuti uspjesi samo su odraz uloženog truda.