Natalia – new volunteer!


I am a proud Polish woman named Natalia. Currently 29 and still lost in space but determined to find my corner in this universe. Knows how to cook but have mastered in eating and experiencing various cultures through food 😛 A big fan of music, travels, old school romantic movies, mountains and bikes..basically every outdoor activities. Love to read thrillers. Used to be a good promising softball player but shifting to bouldering/rock climbing as my “new” found passion. I’m mad about Harry Potter – please don’t judge me. Eager to learn how to play ukulele and piano. Eager to conquer my fears. Eager to be wise. Eager to learn how to deal with life! 

Softball Klub Princ Zagreb Logo

Softball klub PRINC

U Klubu razvijamo mlađe dobne kategorije kroz razne aktivnosti (kampove za djecu, međunarodne turnire, kampove za starije igrače, Euroligu) ostvarujemo ciljeve kluba – predan rad s mladima kako bi im pomogli u usvajanju zdravih životnih navika koje ujedno čine i osnove sportskog života. Osvojeni trofeji i postignuti uspjesi samo su odraz uloženog truda.